Willie Usman is a Muslim by birth. He was born on the southern tip island of Sulu. For some, their island was called the “Island of Tears,” for it was not easy to live there – no electricity, no potable water, and no suitable spices. Early marriages and the lack of good education were also just some of the common social issues in their place.
Willie was born to Muslim parents. They were typical but not devout Muslims. In their family’s search for a greener pasture, their family transferred to the town of Jolo. It was at that time that war broke out between the Muslim insurgents and the Philippine government. But by the grace of God, they were able to wade through the war and survived one of the darkest times in their life. When the war ceased, their family moved to the city of Zamboanga. There, he first saw the greatest book of all time – the Holy Bible.
Their house was located along the seashore. Every day, Willie went to the shore to fish and play with his neighbours. One ordinary morning, he decided to go to the coast to look for some toys, coins, and other pieces of stuff that could still be useful to him. While Willie was strolling along the beach, a floating object caught his eyes. He went and picked it up and began to explore it. To his surprise, it was a small blue book with torn and missing pages. Little did he know that it was a Gideon New Testament. He brought it to their house and began to read it.

Every day, Young Willie always had his nose in the book he found. He was fascinated by some of its writings, especially John 3:16 – the first verse he memorized. Since the first time that the Gideon Bible landed on his hand, he sensed that something beautiful was happening to him. His life started to change noticeably. Until one day, he finally made the decision to accept Jesus as his Saviour and Lord. Gradually, he began to understand the Words he was reading, and he started attending an Evangelical Church.
Because of that Gideon New Testament he found along the coastline, Willie Usman, born a Muslim, is now a Christian and the resident pastor of the Alliance Evangelical Church of San Roque, Zamboanga City.
Indeed, God’s Word will not return to Him void. He has accomplished His purpose in the life of Willie Usman.
Glory to God!